Monday, February 28, 2011

There's more than one color in a box of crayons.....

There's more than one color in a box of crayons....

Recently, I was reflecting back over my last few years of life. I was thinking about how far I believe I have come in my mental health treatment and laughed about a memory from a few years ago...let me explain.
I had been treating with H.V.C.C. for about a year and a half and my therepist at the time was seeing me twice a week. I was living in the river mill section of Rockville and to get to my appointments I had to walk past the old historic Hockunum Mills on West Main Street. Not only did I pass this building four times a week on my way to therepy, I literally lived next door to it.

It was a somewhat cloudy day and as I walked past the old mill I looked up and saw that someone had painted a beutiful mural on the front of the mill. Now I am talking about a full size mural that goes for half a city block. I was so excited, I couldn't wait to share my newly found discovery with Amy (my therepist at the time), and when I finally got into her little office I was just bubbling over with excitment. Imagine my surprise when she just stared at me and said "the building has been painted for years".

If you are new to therepy and things seem gray, take it from someone who has been there, in your very shoes...THE COLORS DO COME BACK!!! The road is not always easy and there will even be occassional set backs. Don't let these little speed bumps on the road of progress slow you down. Take an active part in your treatment plan and set goals. Work closely with your care team and you will once again see the green of a fresh cut lawn, the yellows of tulips in the springtime and the many more colors of the box of crayons that await you.

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